Acesta este un emulator de client steam care vă permite să jucați jocuri steam fără client STEAM și să jucați jocuri online sau jocuri activate de lobby pe LAN fără nicio conexiune la internet sau online.
Acest emulator a fost destinat inițial doar pentru Age of Empires II HD pentru a activa funcțiile de lobby fără a depinde de STEAM. Acum emulatorul a fost actualizat și poate fi folosit cu jocul altor steam.

- - Run steam game without steam
- Enables play online OR on LAN without internet connection
- Emulates lobby, server browser
- Stats, Achievements and Save games
- Configurable DLC subscription
- Avatar support
- Plugins support
- Overlay support (DX9/11/OpenGL)
- Steam Workshop partial support
- - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86)
- .NET Framework 4 (SSELauncher only)
- Steam games
- - Extract all files to game directory or any directory.
- Open SmartSteamEmu.ini and edit as neccessary.
- Launch SmartSteamLauncher.exe and not the game executable.
- To use different configuration file, add configuration file path
to launcher parameter.
- If you use cracked version that replace steam_api.dll, make sure you restore the original steam_api.dll file first. If your games use CEG or DRM as protection, you might need to regenerate the executables for that computer first (CEG only) or use the cracked version.
Some games may require pre-cracked file to run the games, but be sure steam_api.dll is the original.
Some games such as tomb raider that can host private match require invite friends function to invite others to join their private match. Since this emulator didn't have any invite friend implemented, to JOIN the server press SHIFT+TAB simultaneously.
Beginning with version 1.3.5, online mode is introduced (by SSEOverlay plugin). It will connect to several server (torrent tracker) and STUN server. If you do not wish to connect to these server, it can be disabled completely via overlay settings or modifying its setting file.
- Plugin is simply a dll file to extend or change the emulator or game behaviour. The dll will be loaded by SmartSteamEmu via LoadLibrary(). Additionally the plugin can have SmartInit() and SmartShutdown() exported function. To get better understanding, download the PDK.
PDK can be downloaded here:
Version 1.4.7 (January 18, 2024)
This release focus on Half-Life 25th anniversary update!
- - Fix server with password will not be listed as password enabled
- Fix serverbrowser favorite games cannot be removed
- Increase serverbrowser LAN discovery port from 27019 to 27020
- Add S2C_Challenge packet support
- Add fake server filter
- Loader: Add ability to read config file same name as loader (rename loader and .ini to same name)
- Update Steamworks interface to latest one
- NOTE: Most newer interface is stub, so games may not work
- NOTE: Steam Networking is not properly implemented and mostly will not work and may crash
- NOTE: Overlay is not updated
- NOTE: SSELauncher is not updated to reflect new config (Voice enabled by default, voice scale setting, fake filter setting)
Version 1.4.6 (January 11, 2024)
- - Finish voice chat implementation, can chat with steam and vice versa
- Add VoiceRecvScale/VoiceSendScale config
- Fix stopping voice chat will causes game to stutter
- Fix server browser where password is not prompted
- - Implement http percentage
- Experiment with voice chat using opus with steam compat
- - Added support for HL 25th Anniversary Edition
- NOTE: There is lot of missing interfaces between this version and last version
- NOTE: Latest interface is not implemented
- NOTE: Compiler has been switched from vs10 to vs14, WinXP is not tested but should work
- Thanks to OSW members and supporting friends.
Thanks to all Developers Group members including ChrisTX
Thanks to Mitsukarina for helping and maintaining SSELauncher
Thanks to Sisah for helping and maintaining SSEOverlay
Thanks to people who provided translation for SSEOverlay: Czech (Sisah), Russian (Shlak), Spanish (xatornet)
Download Current Version: ***************************************************************
SSE Companion - Collections of apps/tools for SmartSteamEmu
Older Versions:
NOTE Using version below than 1.4.0 is not recommended since its causing heavy network usage. Use latest version and please report any bugs if found. To whom bundling this emu inside other games, take note of this.
EDIT 2018 - I havent updated this EMU for a while now and it may not work with latest/updated games - be sure to check out loodbot's lifesupport plugin to make it work again. Thanks for keeping this project alive.
SmartSteamEmu v1.4.3 [/spoiler]
EDIT by Christsnatcher:
It was sad for many of us to see the development of this awesome emulator de facto abandoned, making it impossible to use the tool on games utilizing newer steam_api(64).dll versions. Now, as of 8th November 2019 the project has been enhanced and brought up-to-date by our fellow member 0xdeadc0de, many thanks mate!
Download SmartSteamEmu Reborn Client v1.46.1
Please also read the SSE FAQ.