Code: Select all
Custom Sky Changer
- Removed compile errors
- updated new syntax
- Set the sky to server and clients
- Simplyfied download method.
- Removed unnecessary code and checks
to do:
* Fix a way of disabling CS:GO 3D sky without affecting the sky cvar and enable 2d skybox
* Add external .INI file
1. Fisierul plugin.sp il puneti in addons/sourcemod/scripting
2. Fisierul plugin.smx il puneti in addons/sourcemod/plugins
sm_custom_sky 1.0 / 0.0 : Plugin Activ / Plugin inactiv
sm_skybox_name blood1_ : Numele texturii din matersials/skybox [fara extensii .VMT , .VTF]
Fisierul de configurare va fi creat automat in ..moddir/cfg/sourcemod/
Code: Select all
Cusom SKY Changer
v1.3 by CryWolf
- Provides realtime sky change features
- Auto precache the needed sky texture (bouth .VMT and .VTF files)
- Simple code
- Extra config features (cfg/sourcemod/skychanger.cfg)
Custom Sky Changer
- Removed compile errors
- updated new syntax
- Set the sky to server and clients
- Simplyfied download method.
- Removed unnecessary code and checks
to do:
* Fix a way of disabling CS:GO 3D sky without affecting the sky cvar and enable 2d skybox
* Add external .INI file
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#pragma semicolon 1
// Plugin Information
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.6.2"
// pCvarS:
new Handle:cvarEnabled;
new Handle:cvarSkybox;
ConVar SkyName;
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Sky Changer",
author = "CryWolf",
description = "Provides Sky changer feature",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
cvarEnabled = CreateConVar ("sm_custom_sky", "1.0", "Skybox plugin on / off");
cvarSkybox = CreateConVar ("sm_skybox_name", "blood1_", "Skybox texture name");
// Fiind sv_skyname cvar
SkyName = FindConVar("sv_skyname");
// Load and create configuration file
AutoExecConfig(true, "skychanger");
public OnMapStart()
if (!GetConVarBool (cvarEnabled))
public PrecacheSkyBoxTexture()
static char suffix[][] =
decl String:newskybox [32];
GetConVarString (cvarSkybox, newskybox, sizeof(newskybox));
char buffer[64];
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof ( suffix ); i++ )
FormatEx ( buffer, sizeof ( buffer ), "materials/skybox/%s%s.vtf", newskybox, suffix [ i ] );
if ( FileExists ( buffer, false ) )
AddFileToDownloadsTable ( buffer );
FormatEx ( buffer, sizeof ( buffer ), "materials/skybox/%s%s.vmt", newskybox, suffix [ i ] );
if ( FileExists ( buffer, false ) )
AddFileToDownloadsTable ( buffer );
public ChangeSkyboxTexture()
decl String:newskybox [32];
GetConVarString(cvarSkybox, newskybox, sizeof (newskybox));
// If there is a convar set, change the skybox to it
if( strcmp ( newskybox, "", false ) !=0)
// PrintToServer("[CSC] Changing the Skybox to %s", newskybox);
DispatchKeyValue(0, "skyname", newskybox);
public void OnClientConnected(int client)
if (!GetConVarBool(cvarEnabled))
decl String:newskybox[32];
// Get server sm_customy_sky cvar and send it to client
GetConVarString(cvarSkybox, newskybox, sizeof(newskybox));
SendConVarValue(client, SkyName, newskybox);