[WIN] Tutorial Dinamic IP into DNS Server Address

Tutoriale Originale, Stabile,noi si utile!
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[WIN] Tutorial Dinamic IP into DNS Server Address

Post by AndroKlaus »

Dinamic IP -> DNS Address
by AndroKlaus


1. Click HERE
2. Crete account with your e-mail address and password
3. Connect on no-ip site with e-mail and password early created the account
4. Click 'Add a Host'
5. At HostName: name of the server (Ex.: myserver)
6. In 'Drop Down Box' in the right side choose zapto.org or no-ip.org... anyone above NO-IP Free Domains
7. Click on Create Host (down on the page)
WARNING !!! DO NOT change anything else !
8. Download No-IP DUC. It's the program that controls you ip with address
9. Install the program:

1. Next
2. Next
3. Next
4. Finish

10. Close Readme.txt window pop-up
11. Connect with e-mail and password created at start of this tutorial
12. Click OK
13. Will pup-up a window with the name of the server that you created
14. Mark the box in front of the address
15. You will see the message:

Code: Select all

NUME_SERVER DNS is current, no update needed.

- that mind that is OK
16. Click Options
17. Mark box 'Run at Startup'
18. Click OK
19. Close the window. It will go into try menu
20. Done !


1. Intri aici
2. Iti faci cont cu adresa de e-mail (Ex.: [email protected]) si parola
3. Te conectezi pe site cu e-mail-ul si parola create mai devreme
4. Dai click pe 'Add a Host'
5. La HostName: pui numele care sa il aiba serverul (Ex.: godclan)
6. In 'Drop Down Box' in dreapta alegeti zapto.org sau no-ip.org... oricare mai jos de NO-IP Free Domains
7. Click pe Create Host (in partea de jos a paginii
ATENTIE !!! nu mai modificati nimic altceva !
8. Descarcati de AICI progamul necesar
9. Instalati programul:

1. Next
2. Next
3. Next
4. Finish

10. Inchideti fereastra Readme.txt
11. Introduceti adresa de e-mail si parola cu care ati creat cont pe http://www.no-ip.com
12. OK
13. Va apare o fereastra in care scrie numele serverului pe care l-ati ales
14. Bifati casuta (prin click) din fata adresei
15. apare mesajul

Code: Select all

NUME_SERVER DNS is current, no update needed.

-asta inseamna ca e bine
16. Obtiuni
17. Bifati 'Run at Startup'
18. OK
19. Click in colt sus pe 'X' sa inchideti aceasta fereastra in TRY (Langa Ceas)
20. Gata
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Re: [WIN] Tutorial Dinamic IP into DNS Server Address

Post by Gabytzu »

GJ :ympeace:
Joaca si tu pe Cel mai tare server de JailBreak din Romania!

Connect!!!!! Chiar acum!
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Re: [WIN] Tutorial Dinamic IP into DNS Server Address

Post by Slade »

frumos tutorial
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